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 Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)

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A Mutant Ninja Turtle
Shadow Moonseye
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

Posts : 308
Join date : 2009-06-09
Age : 33
Location : Racing the sunset across forgotten starscapes

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 2:59 pm

Ora Noc Terrol. The Paradise that was mentioned so fleeting in the ancient tech of the long dead Tervim; the perfect, untouched world promised to those who could find it. You grew up hearing legends about it, watching as young bright eyed people left in search of it, watching haggard, old bones drag themselves off shuttles and wait for the next to continue their journey. You dreamed of it when you thought your life couldn’t get any worse. You dreamed of the sweet air, the soft grass, the clear skies that it would surely contain.

Sheol. The last colonized planet this side of the Veil. Dry, desolate wastes inhabited by vicious creatures and nasty humans that are all to happy to kill you. And most likely eat you. There are a few towns scattered across the world that will offer safe haven to you, but don’t expect a welcoming party. Its not exactly a tourist attraction or anything. Sure, we get a few academic types, out here looking to study the ruins. Maybe the occasional prospector, hoping to strike it rich.

So why are you here, I wonder? You’re an off-worlder, fresh off the shuttle. The dust and grime of life here hasn’t sunk into your skin yet, clung to your clothes, or settled in your hair. The harsh realities haven’t dulled the spark in your eye. You don’t look like the scientist type, or a prospector.

Heh. I know why you’re here. Whether you know it yourself or not. We were all drawn here, just like you. Every single one of us, pulled here by some invisible force. You should give up now, leave and go home before this godforsaken place chews you up and spits you out. Sheol’s been combed from pole to pole. There is no Paradise here, no Ora Noc Terrol waiting for you out there in the wastes.

But, I can tell that you’re not going to listen to me, that you’re just going to go out searching anyways. Well, if you intend to go out into the wastes, you’re gonna need a gun. The shop’s over there. Hope you got some money on ya. Nothing on Sheol comes without a price.

1. No godmodding/meta playing/shadow gaming.
2. No mary sues/gary stus
3. Use proper grammar.
4. At least one paragraph per post. (This means four to five solid sentences.)
5. Romance, is allowed, but be realistic, no declaring true love hours after meeting.
6. This is a mature RP, so expect cussing/gore/other mature stuff. Just don’t go insane with it.
7. Don’t be fantastic with whatever weapon you get right off the bat, it takes time to become skilled.
8. Be realistic. If your char gets hurts (ie: breaks an arm) they cannot be healed within two hours. While this is a scifi world, they will be out in the wastes with no access to medical attention.
9. NO MAGIC. At all. End of discussion
10. Humans only, no crazy alien races.
11. I want this to be scifi realistic, okay? So think before you do something huge.
12. I reserve the right to change/add onto these rules.
13. Put “The road stretches on before us; will it never end?” in your first post to show you read and understand these rules.

Character Sheet:
Username: (You)
Name: (Your char’s name)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (18 - 38, no exceptions)
Appearance: (If you use a picture, I still want at least a paragraph description)
Personality: (What’s your char like?)
History: (Please be original, don’t everyone have sob stories and be emo.)
Profession: (What they do)
Inventory: (Important items they carry, the only weapons allowed here are knives, but don’t everyone have one.)
Other: (Anything else that seems pertinent)

Accepted Characters:

Username: Shadow Moonseye
Name: 708
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Appearance: 708 stands at 6’5”, her blonde hair is prematurely streaked with grey and falls to just below her shoulders. Her eyes are bright teal, with the irises ringed in black. Her skin is on the pale side, and strange scars litter her body. Cutting down the middle of her lips is a dark line, though it is unclear whether it is make-up or a tattoo. Tattooed across her left cheek is the number 708 in black ink. She wears tan cargo pants, a blue tank top, a brown leather jacket, and black boots. Inspiration pic: 708
Personality: 708 has no ties to anyone but herself. She doesn’t get attached to people, and doesn’t particularly care if they die while she’s around. As long as you don’t get in her way, she won’t give you much of a second thought. She’s quite frank, and never hesitates to say what she means. She shows little to no fear at anything, and is very self assured. But don’t ask about her past. There are hidden demons there, and if provoked you could find yourself in a very tight predicament.
History: She doesn’t remember much of anything before age ten. That was when her and her twin brother were snatched up and taken away to what she came to call the Facility. The Facility was run by a military, and there they conducted research on top secret projects. More specifically, super soldiers. When they were twelve, her brother died. As the years wore on she forget her name, her brother’s. All she could remember was their numbers. She has never forgiven herself for that.

She watched, as others died, succumbing to the horrors that they were put through on a daily basis; watched as their will to live died. Even as she fought so hard to hang on, fight through the pain, those around kept falling. Soon, out of the original batch of kids taken at the same time as her, four were left. They clung to each other, looked after one another.

It wasn’t to last. One day, her best friend was taken. He was turned into a horrifying monster, his hands replaced with blades, his own blood turned to acid, his mind crushed to the most basic and instinctual actions. Unfortunately, he survived the procedure. At times, he would have brief moments of consciousness, where he would break through the animalistic part and talk. It was during these times that 708 and her other friends promised that they would break out, escape and find a safe place to live.

One year ago, that day came. The five of them busted out, killing and creating havoc as they escaped. Her friend was shot down seconds from the small shuttle they were intending to steal and make good their escape. He died in her arms. Though they did manage to escape, no one came away unharmed. One of her two remaining friends bleed out on the flight. The other died in a gang shoot out not long after they found a planet to hide on. And just like that, everything 708 had ever cared about, was taken from her.

On the planet she heard tales about Ora Noc Terrol and immediately set out to find it. That was one year ago. She has been searching ever since, dodging any and all military patrols that she can.

She has to find Paradise. For herself. For her lost friends. For her dead brother. There, they can finally be free.
Profession: She doesn’t have one.
Inventory: She carries a small first aid kit, a wad of cash, and a bit of travel food.
Other: Due to the experimentation done on her, she has several “improvements”. She’s stronger, faster, has better senses, and due to nanobots, heals a bit faster than the regular person.

Username: nando_c_s
Name: Jack Nicholson a.k.a. The Executioner
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Appearance: This mercenary is said to be very handsome. His hair is blonde. His dark brown eyes are covered by a pair of red sunglasses which he always has on. On his neck, you are most likely to see the silver crucifix he wears but most of the time it is covered by his black shirt. His baggy pants are also black, followed by leather boots. His height is about 6’0’’ and he weights a total of 165 pounds, all of it pure muscle. And over all he covers himself with a large black robe.
Personality: Jack is a very selfish man. He has an attitude problem because he thinks he is better than everybody else. And even so, he is fairly quiet. Do not make this guy mad, or you’ll end up as one of his victims. Jack doesn’t kill random people just for the fun of it, he kills people that are trouble for him, that try to kill him, and those he is paid to kill. No more, no less.
History: Jack was raised as a spoiled brat in a far away planet on which his parents were one of the wealthiest families. Besides coming from a wealthy family Jack was also an only child, thus getting everything he ever asked for. Since a young boy he was arrogant, egocentric, stubborn, and selfish. However, he was incredibly smart and witty.

When he turned 14, his father started to teach him about the business of the family but jack disliked it. He found the job to be extremely boring and without action. For his 15 birthday he asked for a rifle which obviously, was granted to him with a single condition: Don’t use the rifle anywhere near the house. A rather simple request. Since that day, Jack set off to a prairie and forest near his home to hunt and with time he became remarkably excellent at it. At 18 he decided what to do with his life, he joined the military forces.

He was trained and quickly sent to other planets to be one of the good guys. Thing was, even then he didn’t get enough action since he was sent to one of the peaceful planets where not much was going on. He requested various times to be changed of location to a more active place, yet every single time he was denied. One day, in his current post, he got word of a group, better known as a gang, was causing chaos in one of the cities. Jack with a few others were sent to resolve the problem quickly. Catch the troublemakers and throw them in prison. That was it, nothing more.

They found the so called gang and made their move, but things got a little ugly. The guys from the gang took out some guns and a crossfire began. One of Jack’s teammates was killed and the other was hit in the leg, but the gang was almost annihilated; only 2 where left standing. Jack came in from behind them as stealthy as a tiger prepared to make his move, and instead of arresting them he told them to stand up, throw the gun to the floor and face him. The men did so, but when they stretched his hands to be arrested, Marcus shot them in the head. A straight on execution.

A few days later Jack was court martial. Turned out that his teammate told exactly what happened in the report, especially the part where Jack did not arrest the criminals. He disobeyed orders and for that the rules said he must pay. Jack made a run for it and escaped. He could not go back to his home, or to his life of a soldier so he did what he could and became a mercenary for hire. But that was at his age of 26.
Killing for money was his job. His nickname came to be The Executioner because he killed his victims all in an execution style.

Jack grew tired of killing and he had enough money from many of his jobs and remembered the stories he heard about Orac Nac Terrol. A true paradise where he could enjoy life without worrying about anything. Even though he never did actually believe it, he decided to set out to find it. Jack is a trained man who kills for a living and when he sets his mind into doing something he will do anything to accomplish it, even if it means dying.
Profession: Mercenary
Inventory: Some cash and gold. He has a golden bracelet given to him as a child, it is the only thing he has of his past and he wears it on his ankle. He has a backpack full of food.

Username: A Mutant Ninja Turtle
Name: Bannon “Switch” Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Bannon is a man of slight build, and stands at 1,75 meters. His hair is dark black and hangs to the base of his neck. He has a wide jaw and flat chin. His eyes are hazel brown. He wears a red tie and a black suit and west that’s a little worse for wear. A wide brimmed fedora and fake Rolex completes his usual attire.

Personality: Bannon has been a con man and criminal all his life. As such, he regards the law as a very bothersome, yet ignorant entity. Bannon regards his small time cons as nothing more than a natural part of life. He feels no guilt for his actions (after all, most of his marks either acquired the money by questionable means themselves, or can afford to lose it), but Bannon does avoid violence. This is mostly due to the fact that he always tries to avoid attracting attention to himself to complete his cons, and his dedication to saving his own hide. He has learned some brawling and dirty tricks over the years, but he is out of his league in anything bigger than a bar scuffle. That coupled with his complete lack of weapons and their training means he tries to avoid conflict. If his usual schemes work, he is long gone before tempers flare up and knives are drawn. He is deeply reluctant to the idea of sticking his neck out for someone without there being a very tangible reward. Deep down, Bannon has a heart of...well, not gold, but maybe brass. He is barely able to kill in self defence, and never cons people who are poor or can’t afford to loose. As befits a con-man, he can be both discrete and flamboyant, playing the role that best suits the situation. When the allowed to simply be himself, Bannon is calm, friendly and suave. He always has a wry smile on his face, and a sarcastic remark on his tongue. His line of work has made him highly social. Yet even this is a sort of act. Bannon is always observant, as his line of work has made it necessary for him to be slightly paranoid. Therefore, he never really feels safe or relaxed until he has made sure he understands the motivation of the people he meets. Once he is sure that he has the situation figured out though, he is more than happy to lay back and enjoy the company of others. He might also enjoy picking their pockets when they are looking the other way. Old Habits die hard after all.

History: Bannon was raised by his father Vance, a brilliant con-artist. Vance was 27 when he first started taking care of Bannon, and already infamous for his fast and daring set-ups. He was an unconventional father, whose idea of a good upbringing meant teaching his son poker and card tricks when he was six, using him as a helper/distraction and pick-pocket when he reached 10, and teaching him all the real cons at age 18. Father and son travelled together for years after that, as equal partners. But Vance soon became too sickly for the risky life they were leading, and Bannon went on by himself at the age of 22. Vance died of natural causes 3 years later. That, coupled with a very persistent and pissed-off mob boss back on Earth, led Bannon to seek a desperate new beginning on Sheol.

Profession: Bannon is a con-man and travelling card shark. Back on Earth, he would drift from place to place, seeking out high-stakes gambling rings and criminal dens, where he would lie, cheat and swindle enough money to get by for at time, and if possible, do a big, last con before getting the hell out of Dodge. He also stoops to stealing and burglary, and on desperate occasions, outright robbery.
Inventory: Bannon carries 5 sets of cards, 4 of which are marked and/or modified so that he can pull of simple card-tricks and scams. He also has a weighted set of dies, and a normal set. He has 500 dollars in cash (please correct me on this one if it’s a different sort of currency that’s used on this world). He carries the real and one fake set of cards in his pocket, as well as half the money. He keeps two extra shifts of clothes. One consists of scrubby looking clothes, and the other is an expensive tuxedo. Bannon uses both mainly for cons. What he doesn’t carry, he keeps in a large black suitcase.

Username: Plaguewalker
Name: Evelyn ‘Eve’ Goins
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Appearance: Standing at an unimpressive 5’2, Eve isn’t exactly the tallest person ever. Her deep purple hair is cropped to just above her ears and is messy more often than not. Her eyes are a bright orange, giving off a strange luminescence, and are covered by dark sunglasses 90 percent of the time. Her lips are stained a bright orange; the only make-up that she wears. She is toned, but not overtly muscular.
Though she is mildly curvy, her tomboy attitude prevents this from becoming her defining feature. A hyper-realistic tattoo of a cobra winds around her left arm, often causing people to do a double take and be sure that the snake isn’t real.
Her outfit consists of grey cargo shorts that barely brush the top of her knees, a purple tank-top, a light grey button-up long sleeved overshirt, hiking boots, and a wide-brimmed hat. Round out her outfit are her bright orange nails.
Personality: Ask anyone who has ever met her, and they’ll tell you the exact same thing. Eve is a spitfire. Her temper will flare over the smallest of thing, and it takes a miracle for it to go down again. She’s loud, opinionated, and always seems to be in control. Her energy seems endless, even as days turn into weeks. Despite her aggressive behavior, Eve is quite the intelligent young woman. She is knowledgeable on a number of things, and many scientists recognize her potential to become one of the leading experts on Tervim culture.
History: Evelyn was born in a Tervim ruin that her parents had been studying for years, one which they had foolishly refused to leave despite the imminent birth of their daughter. Born into a world of wonder and beauty, Eve had to be dragged, literally, from the ruins when her parents sent her to live with her uncle and three older brothers at age four.

Dumped onto her uncle, he tried to do his best to raise the girl, but without a female’s touch, Eve quickly grew into a tomboy, something which her mother and father were less than thrilled about when they saw that their little girl enjoyed getting her knees cut up just as much as her rambunctious brothers. Her fascination with the ruins that she had spent her first years in grew into a unbridled curiosity, and she began to receive packages from her parents on an almost weekly basis.

She excelled in school, and graduated at the top of her class, but surprised everyone when she decided not to go to the prestigious university of Earth that her parents had picked out for her. She had already learnt everything that would be taught from her parents and her own studies, so why waste any time or money on boring lectures? She dove immediately into field work and began studying and researching just like her parents.

However, Eve insisted on being freelance, searching the ruins she wanted to search, for information she wanted to know. With a talent for drawing, she began to ask questions that most scientists choose to ignore in the hunt for ancient powerful technologies.

Why did the Tervim vanish? What were they like? Did they live like us? Where they social, or more introverted?

In the first year of her studies, she had an experimental surgery done to her eyes that enabled her to see in the darkest environments. The only problem was that it made her eyes overly sensitive to normal and bright lights to the point where she can‘t open her eyes without protection in them. She is barely bothered by this, and it is because of this that she adopted her trademark sunglasses.

After many years of research and study, she has finally decided to head to Sheol, which, despite it’s numerous problems with bandits and the dangerous native wildlife, has some of the most untouched ruins in known space. Eager to learn more about the Tervim, Eve has thrown caution to the wind and come to the bleak planet to study them.
Profession: Tervim Archeologist
Inventory: Sunglasses, drawing pad, numerous pencils and sharpeners, a recorder, about 300 in cash and this is all kept in a small black backpack.
Other: N/A

Username: Magus1108
Name: Maria Zal
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Appearance: Maria is a rather plain looking woman, short, blonde hair and green eyes. She wears average clothes, and is of average height and weight. Maria also has an old necklace, a gift from her father, which she wears at all times.
Personality: Maria is a kind-hearted woman, and tries her best to see the good in people. Unlike some people that come to Sheol, she isn’t a bitter type of person, or a killer (right now). Maria will heal anyone who comes to her for help, no matter what. She tends to be a kind and pleasant person, though Maria does have her own berserker button.
History: Maria is the daughter of Jack and Natalie Zal, an archeologist and doctor respectively. Maria grew up with an average life, though her father was often absent during her childhood. Because of his line of work, Jack was away from his family months at a time, going from one place to the next. Despite his continual absence from her life, Maria grew up basically worshipping her father, and planned to follow him in his footsteps from a young age. When she turned thirteen, her father ended up going to Sheol, to study the ancient cultures there and to hopefully find Ora Noc Terrol, too. Maria didn’t get to see him for the next few years, but Jack sent her and her mother letters regularly, detailing on his adventures there. His last letter was on her sixteenth birthday, where Jack claimed he was close to discovering where Ora Noc Terrol was. After that, his letters stopped coming.

Eventually, Jack was presumed to be missing or dead on Sheol. Maria’s mother made several attempts to have an official inquiry done about Jack’s disappearance on Sheol, but all her efforts ended in failure. Considering the type of planet Sheol was, no one wanted to waste any funding into finding what happened to him. Thus, Maria grew up the rest of her life without her father, always wondering if he was still alive, and what had happened to him. Afraid that her daughter may follow the same fate as her husband, Natalie Zal urged Maria to abandon her dreams of becoming an archeologist and to become a doctor like her instead. Maria eventually agreed, and spent the next few years training and working as a surgeon.

Just a few months ago, Maria’s mother Natalie was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Maria had been planning for years to go search for her father on Sheol, but this unfortunate event spurred her on to discover what happened to Jack, so she and her mother could finally have closure before Natalie passed away. Now Maria has gone to and arrived at Sheol, to discover her father’s fate before her mother dies.
Profession: Doctor
Inventory: An old photograph of her parents, an emergency medical kit and various medical supplies, a taser, an appropriate amount of money to spend on Sheol, and a golden pocket-watch.

username: hogaki
Name: Innokenti Svetlana
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: Innokenti stands at an unimpressive 5'01 and weighs 105 pounds. He has brown eyes and brown hair which he keeps in a short ponytail. He wears a very small green jacket that barely reaches below his ribs with a black muscle shirt underneath. He wears a bright orange prison jeans and cheap old boots that seem to have more stains then fabric.jacket example.
Personality: Innokenti is hyper and jumpy, something he attributes to his former job as a clown/acrobat. Don't expect him to sit still for any great length of time. He is often very talkative and will make a conversation with anyone or anything. Innokenti has the bluntness of a child. He will open state his opinion to a person and isn't the least bit sorry if that person is offended by it.
He is not brave at all. He is more likely to leave a stranger to die if he doesn't owe them anything. Although he is slightly cowardly Innokenti is more than happy to help out any person he feels he owes a debt to.
History: Innokenti was born and raised in the цирк из грех. A Russian circus more famous for its drug trafficking then its performances. Innokenti and his family ( consisting of his mother, two sisters, four brothers, numerous cousins, uncles and aunts, and (at the head of the family) his father) traveled most of populated Russia selling their "modest wares" to local drug dealers and any user who was willing to buy in bulk.
He began training for the circus as soon as he could walk. At the time Innokenti was always confused why he need to perform. He was very aware of the Families underlying business but never understood exactly why this circus charade was worn time and time again. It was only when he was older that his father explained that the circus provided an easy cover for moving large amounts of drugs. They would store the drugs in the false bottoms of tiger, lion and other carnivores animal cages. After all, who would be foolish enough to search for street drugs in a cage filed with nothing save for hay and a vicious beast. The circus cover also provided an ingenious money laundering system. All drug money would be evenly distrusted among the family groups on an annual basis. This 'family bonus' would eventually find its way back into the hands of Innokenti's father over a period of months. Once all the drug money was tucked away safely in His father's bank accounts the process would start again.
Innokenti began dabbling in the family business at age 14. In the span of 4 years he made a large profit in drug sales and was already establishing small posse of suppliers. Perhaps not the most wholesome of lives, but he was happy none the less. He also wasn't to upset about the side deals he was making. When he was 16 he started stealing drug from the family stock and selling them independently to small time drug dealers and local users. But because of his lack of experience led to his downfall. At age 19 he was caught selling some drugs to a local law enforcers daughter.
Police tried to use him as probable cause to search the Svetlana caravan for more drugs. Innocent's father used a small army of lawyers to distance the rest of the Svetlanas from Innokenti's crime. His father made no attempt to bail him out after learning of his theft from the family. An investigator took pity on Innokenti and made him a deal. Give him enough evidence to incriminate the Svetlana's and he would see to it that the sentenced was reduced. Innokenti took the deal, knowing that his family wouldn't help him now, and began to explain in detail the names of buyers, suppliers, the method in which they moved the drugs, what drugs they were carrying currently, and the method in which my laundered money. His sentence was reduced from 30 years to 8 in one short hour.
Innokenti spent the next 8 years inside H35-47X A.K.A "The Rock" a hallowed out asteroid prison facility. This is where Innokenti heard most of the stories about Ora Noc Terrol. His Father had never allowed him to think about such nonsense but to Innokenti that idea of searching for that placed sounded wonderful. As soon as he was discharged from prison he made a bee line to Sheol hoping that the remote planet would provide a safe haven from hit-men and give him a chance to investigate Ora Noc Terrol further.
Profession: former circus performer
Inventory: $200 in cash, medium length of rope (bought after he left the Rock.) carabineers, and a small pulley system.
Other: Innokenti is exceedingly agile. With some help he can scale a wall fairly easily.

Username: xSunlitNight(ABH)
Name: Angelus "Angel" Maricott
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Appearance: Angel stands at a reasonable 5'4" and slim as well, with a somewhat developed muscle tone. Her skin is a fair peach color and is covered with freckles. Her hair goes to a little below her shoulders and is a thick, curly bush of carmine. Her moss green eyes are very sharp and intent, analyzing everything she can. Angel's outfit of now consists of baggy cargo pants, black hiking boots, a white tee over which is a blue plaid shirt that is buttoned just below her bust, and an indigo bandanna. Also her teeth are tinted yellow a a little from smoking.
Personality: Angel is far from the word that is her namesake. Her personality is very crude and she has no problem in chewing out someone regardless of who they are. She is not always nasty, but it's one of her most defining characteristics, along with her loner tendicy. Angel has always preferred being alone to crowds, but will work with others if she must. She is a realist, boarding on pestimist.
History: Angel was born in a mining town called Reav. Her father was a worker there and her mother was a bartender in a small bar close to the mines. So the bleak world of mining was her playground as a child with her younger brother. Since their mother worked a lot, they were forced to come with her and Angel befriended the miners who came in. She became fascinated with the idea of looking for minerals and other items in the caves and carverns she wasn't allowed near. Many times she and the other miners' children would play near them, daring eachother to go nearer and nearer.

After one of her playmates got caught in a collapse, which was common for some of the caves, she was torn away from the place. Her mother got a job working in an office away from the mines and she and her brother rarely saw their father much. Angel disliked the more city life style she was forced into and would run off and cut school to play with her friends at the mines. Her mother was about ready to move out of Reav, but her father convinced her not to.

They moved back closer to the mines and Angel and her brother continued their teenage years there. Once she became eighteen, Angel took a job working in the mines. She was somewhat pleased with her work, but it bored her after a while. She heard about Shoel and what it had to offer from a friend a couple months ago and set her sights on going there.
Profession: Reav Miner
Inventory: A compass, gloves, earplugs, chisel and hammer, about $200 in money, a book about minerals, a safety lamp all in a canvas bag. Carries cigerette and a lighter on her.

Last edited by Shadow Moonseye on Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:08 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 4:08 pm

I would like to reserve please.

“The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”

Username: (You)
Name: (Your char’s name)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (18 - 38, no exceptions)
Appearance: (If you use a picture, I still want at least a paragraph description)
Personality: (What’s your char like?)
History: (Please be original, don’t everyone have sob stories and be emo.)
Profession: (What they do)
Inventory: (Important items they carry, the only weapons allowed here are knives, but don’t everyone have one.)
Other: (Anything else that seems pertinent)
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

Posts : 308
Join date : 2009-06-09
Age : 33
Location : Racing the sunset across forgotten starscapes

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 4:15 pm

Reserve noted!
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Posts : 5083
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Age : 30
Location : Aboard the Death Star, preparing to destroy the Rebel Alliance. Fear me and obey!

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 6:45 pm

I believe I'll reserve a spot, please.
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

Posts : 308
Join date : 2009-06-09
Age : 33
Location : Racing the sunset across forgotten starscapes

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 6:52 pm

Sure thing, my friend!
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A Mutant Ninja Turtle

A Mutant Ninja Turtle

Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-07-01

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2010 3:05 am

I would like to humbly reserve a spot. By the way, the introduction to this RP is one of the better ones I’ve seen Shadow, props to you Smile
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

Posts : 308
Join date : 2009-06-09
Age : 33
Location : Racing the sunset across forgotten starscapes

Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2010 2:03 pm

Thanks! And your reserve is noted!
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2010 4:29 pm

...May I reserve a spot please...?

"The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”

Username: (You)
Name: (Your char’s name)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: (18 - 38, no exceptions)
Appearance: (If you use a picture, I still want at least a paragraph description)
Personality: (What’s your char like?)
History: (Please be original, don’t everyone have sob stories and be emo.)
Profession: (What they do)
Inventory: (Important items they carry, the only weapons allowed here are knives, but don’t everyone have one.)
Other: (Anything else that seems pertinent)
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2010 4:33 pm

Sure thing!
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 5:29 pm

Username: nando_c_s

Name: Jack Nicholson a.k.a. The Executioner

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Appearance: This mercenary is said to be very handsome. His hair is blonde. His dark brown eyes are covered by a pair of red sunglasses which he always has on. On his neck, you are most likely to see the silver crucifix he wears but most of the time it is covered by his black shirt. His baggy pants are also black, followed by leather boots. His height is about 6’0’’ and he weights a total of 165 pounds, all of it pure muscle. And over all he covers himself with a large black robe.

Personality: Jack is a very selfish man. He has an attitude problem because he thinks he is better than everybody else. And even so, he is fairly quiet. Do not make this guy mad, or you’ll end up as one of his victims. Jack doesn’t kill random people just for the fun of it, he kills people that are trouble for him, that try to kill him, and those he is paid to assassinate. No more, no less.

History: Jack was raised as a spoiled brat in a far away planet on which his parents were one of the wealthiest families. Besides coming from a wealthy family Jack was also an only child, thus getting everything he ever asked for. Since a young boy he was arrogant, egocentric, stubborn, and selfish. However, he was incredibly smart and witty.

When he turned 14, his father started to teach him about the business of the family but jack disliked it. He found the job to be extremely boring and without action. For his 15 birthday he asked for a rifle which obviously, was granted to him with a single condition: Don’t use the rifle anywhere near the house. A rather simple request. Since that day, Jack set off to a prairie and forest near his home to hunt and with time he became remarkably excellent at it. At 18 he decided what to do with his life, he joined the military forces.

He was trained and quickly sent to other planets to be one of the good guys. Thing was, even then he didn’t get enough action since he was sent to one of the peaceful planets where not much was going on. He requested various times to be changed of location to a more active place, yet every single time he was denied. One day, in his current post, he got word of a group, better known as a gang, was causing chaos in one of the cities. Jack with a few others were sent to resolve the problem quickly. Catch the troublemakers and throw them in prison. That was it, nothing more.

They found the so called gang and made their move, but things got a little ugly. The guys from the gang took out some guns and a crossfire began. One of Jack’s teammates was killed and the other was hit in the leg, but the gang was almost annihilated; only 2 where left standing. Jack came in from behind them as stealthy as a tiger prepared to make his move, and instead of arresting them he told them to stand up, throw the gun to the floor and face him. The men did so, but when they stretched his hands to be arrested, Marcus shot them in the head. A straight on execution.

A few days later Jack was court martial. Turned out that his teammate told exactly what happened in the report, especially the part where Jack did not arrest the criminals. He disobeyed orders and for that the rules said he must pay. Jack made a run for it and escaped. He could not go back to his home, or to his life of a soldier so he did what he could and became a mercenary for hire. But that was at his age of 26.
Killing for money was his job. His nickname came to be The Executioner because he killed his victims all in an execution style.

Jack grew tired of killing and he had enough money from many of his jobs and remembered the stories he heard about Orac Nac Terrol. A true paradise where he could enjoy life without worrying about anything. Even though he never did actually believe it, he decided to set out to find it. Jack is a trained man who kills for a living and when he sets his mind into doing something he will do anything to accomplish it, even if it means dying.

Profession: Mercenary

Inventory: Some cash and gold. He has a golden bracelet given to him as a child, it is the only thing he has of his past and he wears it on his ankle. He has a backpack full of food.

Last edited by nando_c_s on Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 7:23 pm

Alrighty, Looks good! You're accepted!
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A Mutant Ninja Turtle

A Mutant Ninja Turtle

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 11:29 am

Well, here is my rougish char. oh and of course: “The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”

Character Sheet:
Username: A Mutant Ninja Turtle
Name: Bannon “Switch” Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Bannon is a man of slight build, and stands at 1,75 meters. His hair is dark black and hangs to the base of his neck. He has a wide jaw and flat chin. His eyes are hazel brown. He wears a red tie and a black suit and west that’s a little worse for wear. A wide brimmed fedora and fake Rolex completes his usual attire.

Personality: (What’s your char like?) Bannon has been a con man and criminal all his life. As such, he regards the law as a very bothersome, yet ignorant entity. Bannon regards his small time cons as nothing more than a natural part of life. He feels no guilt for his actions (after all, most of his marks either acquired the money by questionable means themselves, or can afford to lose it), but Bannon does avoid violence. This is mostly due to the fact that he always tries to avoid attracting attention to himself to complete his cons, and his dedication to saving his own hide. He has learned some brawling and dirty tricks over the years, but he is out of his league in anything bigger than a bar scuffle. That coupled with his complete lack of weapons and their training means he tries to avoid conflict. If his usual schemes work, he is long gone before tempers flare up and knives are drawn. He is deeply reluctant to the idea of sticking his neck out for someone without there being a very tangible reward. Deep down, Bannon has a heart of...well, not gold, but maybe brass. He is barely able to kill in self defence, and never cons people who are poor or can’t afford to loose. As befits a con-man, he can be both discrete and flamboyant, playing the role that best suits the situation. When the allowed to simply be himself, Bannon is calm, friendly and suave. He always has a wry smile on his face, and a sarcastic remark on his tongue. His line of work has made him highly social. Yet even this is a sort of act. Bannon is always observant, as his line of work has made it necessary for him to be slightly paranoid. Therefore, he never really feels safe or relaxed until he has made sure he understands the motivation of the people he meets. Once he is sure that he has the situation figured out though, he is more than happy to lay back and enjoy the company of others. He might also enjoy picking their pockets when they are looking the other way. Old Habits die hard after all.

History: Bannon was raised by his father Vance, a brilliant con-artist. Vance was 27 when he first started taking care of Bannon, and already infamous for his fast and daring set-ups. He was an unconventional father, whose idea of a good upbringing meant teaching his son poker and card tricks when he was six, using him as a helper/distraction and pick-pocket when he reached 10, and teaching him all the real cons at age 18. Father and son travelled together for years after that, as equal partners. But Vance soon became too sickly for the risky life they were leading, and Bannon went on by himself at the age of 22. Vance died of natural causes 3 years later. That, coupled with a very persistent and pissed-off mob boss back on Earth, led Bannon to seek a desperate new beginning on Sheol.

Profession: Bannon is a con-man and travelling card shark. Back on Earth, he would drift from place to place, seeking out high-stakes gambling rings and criminal dens, where he would lie, cheat and swindle enough money to get by for at time, and if possible, do a big, last con before getting the hell out of Dodge. He also stoops to stealing and burglary, and on desperate occasions, outright robbery.

Inventory: Bannon carries 5 sets of cards, 4 of which are marked and/or modified so that he can pull of simple card-tricks and scams. He also has a weighted set of dies, and a normal set. He has 500 dollars in cash (please correct me on this one if it’s a different sort of currency that’s used on this world). He carries the real and one fake set of cards in his pocket, as well as half the money. He keeps two extra shifts of clothes. One consists of scrubby looking clothes, and the other is an expensive tuxedo. Bannon uses both mainly for cons. What he doesn’t carry, he keeps in a large black suitcase.

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Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 1:20 pm

(Looks good! And there'd be a universal currency, so you don't got to worry about that. Accepted!)
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 11:33 pm

username: hogaki

Name: Innokenti Svetlana

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Appearance: Innokenti stands at an unimpressive 5'01 and weighs 105 pounds. He has brown eyes and brown hair which he keeps in a short ponytail. He wears a very small green jacket that barely reaches below his ribs with a black muscle shirt underneath. He wears a bright orange prison jeans and cheap old boots that seem to have more stains then fabric.jacket example.

Personality: Innokenti is hyper and jumpy, something he attributes to his former job as a clown/acrobat. Don't expect him to sit still for any great length of time. He is often very talkative and will make a conversation with anyone or anything. Innokenti has the bluntness of a child. He will open state his opinion to a person and isn't the least bit sorry if that person is offended by it.
He is not brave at all. He is more likely to leave a stranger to die if he doesn't owe them anything. Although he is slightly cowardly Innokenti is more than happy to help out any person he feels he owes a debt to.

History: Innokenti was born and raised in the цирк из грех. A Russian circus more famous for its drug trafficking then its performances. Innokenti and his family ( consisting of his mother, two sisters, four brothers, numerous cousins, uncles and aunts, and (at the head of the family) his father) traveled most of populated Russia selling their "modest wares" to local drug dealers and any user who was willing to buy in bulk.
He began training for the circus as soon as he could walk. At the time Innokenti was always confused why he need to perform. He was very aware of the Families underlying business but never understood exactly why this circus charade was worn time and time again. It was only when he was older that his father explained that the circus provided an easy cover for moving large amounts of drugs. They would store the drugs in the false bottoms of tiger, lion and other carnivores animal cages. After all, who would be foolish enough to search for street drugs in a cage filed with nothing save for hay and a vicious beast. The circus cover also provided an ingenious money laundering system. All drug money would be evenly distrusted among the family groups on an annual basis. This 'family bonus' would eventually find its way back into the hands of Innokenti's father over a period of months. Once all the drug money was tucked away safely in His father's bank accounts the process would start again.
Innokenti began dabbling in the family business at age 14. In the span of 4 years he made a large profit in drug sales and was already establishing small posse of suppliers. Perhaps not the most wholesome of lives, but he was happy none the less. He also wasn't to upset about the side deals he was making. When he was 16 he started stealing drug from the family stock and selling them independently to small time drug dealers and local users. But because of his lack of experience led to his downfall. At age 19 he was caught selling some drugs to a local law enforcers daughter.
Police tried to use him as probable cause to search the Svetlana caravan for more drugs. Innocent's father used a small army of lawyers to distance the rest of the Svetlanas from Innokenti's crime. His father made no attempt to bail him out after learning of his theft from the family. An investigator took pity on Innokenti and made him a deal. Give him enough evidence to incriminate the Svetlana's and he would see to it that the sentenced was reduced. Innokenti took the deal, knowing that his family wouldn't help him now, and began to explain in detail the names of buyers, suppliers, the method in which they moved the drugs, what drugs they were carrying currently, and the method in which my laundered money. His sentence was reduced from 30 years to 8 in one short hour.
Innokenti spent the next 8 years inside H35-47X A.K.A "The Rock" a hallowed out asteroid prison facility. This is where Innokenti heard most of the stories about Ora Noc Terrol. His Father had never allowed him to think about such nonsense but to Innokenti that idea of searching for that placed sounded wonderful. As soon as he was discharged from prison he made a bee line to Sheol hoping that the remote planet would provide a safe haven from hit-men and give him a chance to investigate Ora Noc Terrol further.

Profession: former circus performer

Inventory: $200 in cash, medium length of rope (bought after he left the Rock.) carabineers, and a small pulley system.

Other: Innokenti is exceedingly agile. With some help he can scale a wall fairly easily.
"The road stretches on before us; will it never end?"

Last edited by hogaki on Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 7:30 pm

Username: Plaguewalker
Name: Evelyn ‘Eve’ Goins
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Appearance: Standing at an unimpressive 5’2, Eve isn’t exactly the tallest person ever. Her deep purple hair is cropped to just above her ears and is messy more often than not. Her eyes are a bright orange, giving off a strange luminescence, and are covered by dark sunglasses 90 percent of the time. Her lips are stained a bright orange; the only make-up that she wears. She is toned, but not overtly muscular.

Though she is mildly curvy, her tomboy attitude prevents this from becoming her defining feature. A hyper-realistic tattoo of a cobra winds around her left arm, often causing people to do a double take and be sure that the snake isn’t real.

Her outfit consists of grey cargo shorts that barely brush the top of her knees, a purple tank-top, a light grey button-up long sleeved overshirt, hiking boots, and a wide-brimmed hat. Round out her outfit are her bright orange nails.
Personality: Ask anyone who has ever met her, and they’ll tell you the exact same thing. Eve is a spitfire. Her temper will flare over the smallest of thing, and it takes a miracle for it to go down again. She’s loud, opinionated, and always seems to be in control. Her energy seems endless, even as days turn into weeks. Despite her aggressive behavior, Eve is quite the intelligent young woman. She is knowledgeable on a number of things, and many scientists recognize her potential to become one of the leading experts on Tervim culture.
History: Evelyn was born in a Tervim ruin that her parents had been studying for years, one which they had foolishly refused to leave despite the imminent birth of their daughter. Born into a world of wonder and beauty, Eve had to be dragged, literally, from the ruins when her parents sent her to live with her uncle and three older brothers at age four.

Dumped onto her uncle, he tried to do his best to raise the girl, but without a female’s touch, Eve quickly grew into a tomboy, something which her mother and father were less than thrilled about when they saw that their little girl enjoyed getting her knees cut up just as much as her rambunctious brothers. Her fascination with the ruins that she had spent her first years in grew into a unbridled curiosity, and she began to receive packages from her parents on an almost weekly basis.

She excelled in school, and graduated at the top of her class, but surprised everyone when she decided not to go to the prestigious university of Earth that her parents had picked out for her. She had already learnt everything that would be taught from her parents and her own studies, so why waste any time or money on boring lectures? She dove immediately into field work and began studying and researching just like her parents.

However, Eve insisted on being freelance, searching the ruins she wanted to search, for information she wanted to know. With a talent for drawing, she began to ask questions that most scientists choose to ignore in the hunt for ancient powerful technologies.

Why did the Tervim vanish? What were they like? Did they live like us? Where they social, or more introverted?

In the first year of her studies, she had an experimental surgery done to her eyes that enabled her to see in the darkest environments. The only problem was that it made her eyes overly sensitive to normal and bright lights to the point where she can‘t open her eyes without protection in them. She is barely bothered by this, and it is because of this that she adopted her trademark sunglasses.

After many years of research and study, she has finally decided to head to Sheol, which, despite it’s numerous problems with bandits and the dangerous native wildlife, has some of the most untouched ruins in known space. Eager to learn more about the Tervim, Eve has thrown caution to the wind and come to the bleak planet to study them.
Profession: Tervim Archeologist
Inventory: Sunglasses, drawing pad, numerous pencils and sharpeners, a recorder, about 300 in cash and this is all kept in a small black backpack.
Other: N/A

“The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 7:35 pm

Looks good. Accepted!
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 9:03 pm

Username: Magus1108
Name: Maria Zal
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Appearance: Maria is a rather plain looking woman, short, blonde hair and green eyes. She wears average clothes, and is of average height and weight. Maria also has an old necklace, a gift from her father, which she wears at all times.
Personality: Maria is a kind-hearted woman, and tries her best to see the good in people. Unlike some people that come to Sheol, she isn’t a bitter type of person, or a killer (right now). Maria will heal anyone who comes to her for help, no matter what. She tends to be a kind and pleasant person, though Maria does have her own berserker button.
History: Maria is the daughter of Jack and Natalie Zal, an archeologist and doctor respectively. Maria grew up with an average life, though her father was often absent during her childhood. Because of his line of work, Jack was away from his family months at a time, going from one place to the next. Despite his continual absence from her life, Maria grew up basically worshipping her father, and planned to follow him in his footsteps from a young age. When she turned thirteen, her father ended up going to Sheol, to study the ancient cultures there and to hopefully find Ora Noc Terrol, too. Maria didn’t get to see him for the next few years, but Jack sent her and her mother letters regularly, detailing on his adventures there. His last letter was on her sixteenth birthday, where Jack claimed he was close to discovering where Ora Noc Terrol was. After that, his letters stopped coming.

Eventually, Jack was presumed to be missing or dead on Sheol. Maria’s mother made several attempts to have an official inquiry done about Jack’s disappearance on Sheol, but all her efforts ended in failure. Considering the type of planet Sheol was, no one wanted to waste any funding into finding what happened to him. Thus, Maria grew up the rest of her life without her father, always wondering if he was still alive, and what had happened to him. Afraid that her daughter may follow the same fate as her husband, Natalie Zal urged Maria to abandon her dreams of becoming an archeologist and to become a doctor like her instead. Maria eventually agreed, and spent the next few years training and working as a surgeon.

Just a few months ago, Maria’s mother Natalie was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Maria had been planning for years to go search for her father on Sheol, but this unfortunate event spurred her on to discover what happened to Jack, so she and her mother could finally have closure before Natalie passed away. Now Maria has gone to and arrived at Sheol, to discover her father’s fate before her mother dies.
Profession: Doctor
Inventory: An old photograph of her parents, an emergency medical kit and various medical supplies, a taser, an appropriate amount of money to spend on Sheol, and a golden pocket-watch.

I hope that’s enough for the appearance. I really couldn’t think of much to put there.

“The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 12:19 am

Alright, looks good. Accepted!
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 1:47 pm

Sorry for the double post, but you're accept hogaki!
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 12:06 pm

Username: xSunlitNight(ABH)
Name: Angelus "Angel" Maricott
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Appearance: Angel stands at a reasonable 5'4" and slim as well, with a somewhat developed muscle tone. Her skin is a fair peach color and is covered with freckles. Her hair goes to a little below her shoulders and is a thick, curly bush of carmine. Her moss green eyes are very sharp and intent, analyzing everything she can. Angel's outfit of now consists of baggy cargo pants, black hiking boots, a white tee over which is a blue plaid shirt that is buttoned just below her bust, and an indigo bandanna. Also her teeth are tinted yellow a a little from smoking.
Personality: Angel is far from the word that is her namesake. Her personality is very crude and she has no problem in chewing out someone regardless of who they are. She is not always nasty, but it's one of her most defining characteristics, along with her loner tendicy. Angel has always preferred being alone to crowds, but will work with others if she must. She is a realist, boarding on pestimist.
History: Angel was born in a mining town called Reav. Her father was a worker there and her mother was a bartender in a small bar close to the mines. So the bleak world of mining was her playground as a child with her younger brother. Since their mother worked a lot, they were forced to come with her and Angel befriended the miners who came in. She became fascinated with the idea of looking for minerals and other items in the caves and carverns she wasn't allowed near. Many times she and the other miners' children would play near them, daring eachother to go nearer and nearer.

After one of her playmates got caught in a collapse, which was common for some of the caves, she was torn away from the place. Her mother got a job working in an office away from the mines and she and her brother rarely saw their father much. Angel disliked the more city life style she was forced into and would run off and cut school to play with her friends at the mines. Her mother was about ready to move out of Reav, but her father convinced her not to.

They moved back closer to the mines and Angel and her brother continued their teenage years there. Once she became eighteen, Angel took a job working in the mines. She was somewhat pleased with her work, but it bored her after a while. She heard about Shoel and what it had to offer from a friend a couple months ago and set her sights on going there.
Profession: Reav Miner
Inventory: A compass, gloves, earplugs, chisel and hammer, about $200 in money, a book about minerals, a safety lamp all in a canvas bag. Carries cigerette and a lighter on her.

“The road stretches on before us; will it never end?”
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 2:37 pm

(Accepted, ABH. Also, everyone be on the look out, I'm going to be starting this up a little later today.)
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 9:17 pm

(Okay guys a couple things real fast. First, no one leave the gun shop just yet. I'll let you know when you can. Second, I'll be controling all NPCs right now, including the shop keep. Third, don't make up any wildlife. I'm making all of Sheol's critters and will post up a list of them once they're finished. Fourth, don't make stuff up about the Tervim. I've also got them handled, so if you need to know something about them drop me a pm. And lastly...Enjoy yourselves, because the Road to Paradise is officially OPEN!)


“You gonna buy something’, or just stand there all day?” The man spoke, drumming his fingers impatiently on the worn counter. “Hurry it up, you’re holdin’ up the line.”

708 blinked, dropping her gaze from the wall to look at the impatient shop-keeper. He was older, had to of been in his fifties at the least. His graying hair was cut in a short, severe style; reminding her of the military guards that she had been watched by for so many years of her life. His dark skin was pock-marked, covered in scars from battles long fought. Though his age was evident, he still retained the body of his youth.

“Well?” His brown eyes wavered under her teal ones, but he didn’t look away.

After another moment she turned her eyes back to the wall. It was filled with gun racks, every inch of space taken up by a gun. They ranged in price and quality, but for the most part they all seemed in good repair. The left wall of the small store was lined with blades, ranging from the standard pocket knife to blades the length of a grown man’s forearm; while the right wall was lined with shelves of ammunition. After a moment’s thought, she raised her hand and pointed.

“That. Spare clip and a box of rounds.” Her eyes flicked to the wall of knives briefly, but she said nothing more.

The shop keep turned and lifted the pistol from its place on the wall. He gave it a quick once over, checking the clip before sliding it home. He then reached under the counter and pulled out a second clip and a box of the ammunition. All this was set on the counter before the woman. “That’ll be three fifty.”

708 nodded, reaching into her pocket and handing over a wad of bills after peeling off the appropriate amount. “Three hundred fifty.” She lifted her purchases and stepped aside, making her way towards an empty corner.

“Good luck out there, kid.” The shop keep laughed as he pocketed the cash. “You’re going to need it.” He waved up the next costumer. “What’ll it be, kid?”
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 10:15 pm

Guns, for the most part, had never been Innokenti's strong point. It wasn't that he didn't know to shoot, nor was he completely ignorant of gun technology. What held him back was his preferred weapon, the revolver, which was considered a child's weapon in the Svetlana house hold. But being capable of taking a verity of load type, low chance of jamming and no end of sizes and shapes made it a favorite in his eyes.
He scanned the wall of guns until he found the revolvers. One in particular interested him. Its barrel was as long and thick as his forearm. The sign next to it said "Dual action, slightly used." Innokenti's eyes where fixated on the gun as he spoke to the shop keep. "How much?"He asked indicating which gun with his finger.
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Shadow Moonseye

Shadow Moonseye

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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 10:51 pm

The shop keep glanced back at the revolver, before looking over the man that stood before him. "Out of your price range, I'm afraid." He didn't send the man away, however. No, he didn't want to lose a sale. A frown crossed his stern features, and he turned his back on the man, crossing over to the wall.

He lifted down one with a slightly smaller barrel length. "This one, now..." He turned and held it out for the man to see. "This one is that old lady's younger brother. Still double action. Not quite as acurate, seen a hell of a lot more use. But, he still packs one hell of a punch."

He flashed a grim smile. "He's seen me through more than my fair share of bandits and monsters alike. I'll give it to you for..." He tapped to fingers to his cheek. "Two, straight up. Hell, I'll even throw in a box of shell for ya, no charge." His smile widened slightly. "What do ya say? We got a deal?"


708 tucked her pistol in the waistband of her pants, before opening up her box of shells. She then quickly loaded her spare clip, before sliding it into a pocket. Nimble fingers resealed the box and quickly opened up her small bag and stowing it away inside. The bag was zipped shut and she slung it over one shoulder

Will have to rig up a holster. Less of a chance of losing it that way.
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Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2010 8:52 am

Angel waited behind Innokenti impatiently, already scanning the wall. She wasn't one for guns that was for sure. It was hard to shoot things in a mine since it was a closed space. If you missed the mark you were aiming for, you might hit something or one else. But Angel knew she was going to need a gun. She knew how to use one as well, though she wasn't as adapt as she was with a knife.

She looked at the wall with knives and was tempted to purchase one as well, but she didn't have much money on her and a gun would be better. At least that is what she was told.
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PostSubject: Re: Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M)   Ora Noc Terrol: The Road to Paradise (rated M) I_icon_minitime

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